Egy baráti társaság vadászni megy egy távoli, kanadai szigetre, ám mikor megérkeznek, egy csapat nagyra nőtt gyilkos állattal kell szembenézniük, melyek ellepték a szigetet.
Az istenek eledele (1976) 3★
Képek 6
Várólistára tette 7
Népszerű idézetek
Morgan: My name is Morgan and I play football. We'd worked our butts off tryin' to get it together for the big Sunday game, so the coach told us to knock it off and relax for a few days. One of my teammates, Davis, came up with the idea that we head out to the island. He went ahead to make the arrangements. I talked our PR man Brian into coming along. I felt the day off would do him some good, too. It'll be great to be in the country again and enjoy some of the open spaces Man hasn't screwed up with his technology. My father used to say, „Morgan, one of these days the Earth will get even with Man for messing her up with his garbage. Just let Man continue to pollute the Earth the way he is and nature will rebel. It's gonna be one hell of a rebellion.” 'Course, I never took 'im seriously, but I still remember the way he looked at me when he said, „You'll never know when and where it's gonna happen. And once it starts, you'll never know how and when it'll stop.” It's funny how my father's prediction comes to mind when I go to the country, like today.