Az Ambersonok tündöklése (1942) 7

The Magnificent Ambersons
88' · amerikai · dráma, romantikus

1 díj · 1 jelölés

A történet a múlt század hetvenes éveiben indul. A film hőse George Minafer Amberson, egy déli kisvárosban élő tehetős család tagja. Anyja, Isabella – mivel szerelmese, Eugene Morgan, nevetségessé vált szemében – Wilbur Minaferhez ment férjhez.
George apjának halálával megkezdődik a család… [tovább]

Képek 1


Joseph CottenEugene Morgan
Dolores CostelloIsabel Amberson Minafer
Anne BaxterLucy Morgan
Tim HoltGeorge Amberson Minafer
Agnes MooreheadFanny Minafer
Ray CollinsJack Amberson
Erskine SanfordRoger Bronson
Richard BennettMajor Amberson
Orson Wellesnarrátor
Az Ambersonok tündöklése (1942)

Mercury Productions

Várólistára tette 19

Népszerű idézetek


– Automobiles are…Automobiles are a useless nuisance.
– What did you say George?
– I said automobiles are a useless nuisance. Nothing amount to anything but a nuisance, and they had no business to be invented.
– Course you forget Mr Morgan makes them. Also did his share in inventing them. If you weren't so thoughtless, he might think you rather offensive.
– I'm not sure that George is wrong about automobiles.With all their speed forward, they may be a step backward in civilisation. May be that they won't add to the beauty of the world, or the life of men's souls. I'm not sure. But automobiles have come. And almost all outward things are going to be different because of what they bring.They're going to alter war and they're going to alter peace. And I think men's minds are going to be changed in subtle ways because of automobiles. And it may be that George is right. Maybe, that in 10 or 20 years from now, if we can see the inward change in men by that time, I shouldn't be able to defend the gasoline engine, but would have to agree with George, that automobiles had no business to be invented.

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