Michel fiatal technikus a kezdődő televíziós iparban, és két hónap múlva katonai szolgálatot kell teljesítenie az algériai háború idején. Juliette és Liliane elválaszthatatlan legjobb barátnők és feltörekvő színésznők, akik a tévéstúdió előtt lógnak. Michel mindkettőjükkel flörtöl, és randizik… [tovább]
Adieu Philippine (1962) 4★
Képek 4
Jean-Claude Aimini | Michel Lambert |
Daniel Descamps | Daniel |
Stefania Sabatini | Juliette |
Yveline Céry | Liliane |
Vittorio Caprioli | Pachala |
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 1
Népszerű idézetek
– You're happy working in TV?
– He's got a good job, anyway.
– He's just starting.
– His bosses are pleased with him.
– Television's the coming thing. Of course the programmes are terrible.
– There's always chaos in France. We can't use science. The French have no discipline. lt's a waste. We invent things and foreigners profit. Yet we could have our own stu…
– Stupniks.
– Sputniks.
– Maybe a Frenchman invented them but they might fall on our heads.
– Anyway, Russians and Americans are as bad as each other.
– Yes. It's true.
– They'll agree one day – do you know why? They're both frightened of the Chinese.
– He's right.
– 600 million now. A billion soon. Where will they go?
– l could take you to a good Italian restaurant near here.
– An Alsatian restaurant? Spanish? Hungarian, Chinese?
– No, mummy's got a date.