Egy mérgező és titokzatos rózsaszín felhő megjelenése után Giovana egy lakásban találja magát egy férfival, akivel csak most ismerkedett meg, és ez olyan módon változtatja meg az életét, amire soha nem számított.
A Nuvem Rosa (2021) 1★
Képek 14
Várólistára tette 1
Népszerű idézetek
– But do you want to have kids some day?
– No, I never wanted to.
– Why?
– Because I never felt like I wanted to.
– But when you're old, are you gonna be alone?
– You wanna have kids so someone can take care of you when you're old?
– No, I have lots of reasons to have children, I've told you that. Actually, I told you I wanted two.
– I want none.
– Okay, so we compromise and have only one. You don't like children?
– Of course I like children, I just don't want to have one. I won't be able to travel whenever I want, to wherever I want. I'll have to go to parent-teacher meetings, to those kids parties with lots of moms talking about children.
– Hey, hey. Look, be thankful for everything you have. Remember what I taught you? Be thankful for what you have.