Massa példamutatóan dolgozik a gépsor mellett, csendesen él a párjával. A többi munkás nem is szereti, ám minden megváltozik, amikor a túlhajszoltság miatti óvatlanságában a gép levágja az ujját…
A szívbe markoló jelenetek közül az egyik legemlékezetesebb, melyben tökéletesen gépies… [tovább]
A munkásosztály a Paradicsomba megy (1971) 3★
Képek 7
Várólistára tette 9
Népszerű idézetek
– The food goes down…and the machine grinds it. Until it's ready for exit. Like in a factory. The individual is a factory!
– Yes, so what?
– A shitting factory!
– Shit, shit, shit! Why so early in the morning?!
– No, listen…
– Get lost!
– No, think about it…
– You think about it.
– Imagine if shit had a price! Everyone would have secure income.
– Oh, shut up!
– And so, in this hell…on this planet…full of hospitals, asylums…cemeteries, factories… barracks and buses…The brain slowly…leaves us…It goes on strike…on strike…
– 10 more fucking lire! The owners, they earn 100 more. Workers! You are entering prison! Today, after 8 hours of hard work, you will exit into darkness. Today the sun won't shine for you.
– It is 8:00 in the morning! When you come out it will already be dark. Today, the sun won't shine for you. You'll be burnt out doing piecework, 8 hours of piecework. And you will come out old, empty. Convinced you have earned yourselves a day's wage. And instead you will have been robbed! Yes, robbed! Of 8 hours of your life.