1900-ban egy fiatal özvegyasszony rájön, hogy a tengerparti háza kísértetjárta. Azonban a rettegés helyett az asszony egy sajátos kapcsolatot alakít ki a szellemmel.
A kísértet és Mrs. Muir (1947) 6★
Képek 16
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 16
Népszerű idézetek
– Why did you let him?
– I didn't. He took me unaware.
– My dear, since Eve picked the apple, no woman's ever been taken entirely unawares.
– Just what do you mean to insinuate by that?
– When a woman's kissed, it's because deep down she wants to be kissed.
– That is nothing but masculine conceit.
– Nevertheless, it's true.
– Him painting you in your bathing costume like you was a…I don't know what.
– Oh, come, Martha. This is the 20th century. We must rid ourselves of the old fetishes and taboos.
– You're to come and live with us, you and Martha.
– No, darling.
– But you must. You've been alone so much of your life.
– You're very kind, but it's hard to explain. You can be much more alone with other people than you are by yourself, even it's people you love. That sounds all mixed-up, doesn't it?
Lucy Muir: Quick! Hide or go away or decompose.
Capt. Gregg: Dematerialize, madam.
Lucy Muir: Whatever it is, do it quickly.