A furfangos részvényes (1991) 7

A nagy likvidátor · Other People's Money
103' · amerikai · dráma, romantikus, vígjáték

A vígjáték főszereplője egy Wall Street-i tőzsdecápa, Lawrence Garfield akit két dolog érdekel: a pénz és a nők. Az előbbiből pedig elsősorban a mások pénze, na és lehetőleg sok. Bevételének fő forrása a csőd szélén álló vállalatok felvásárlása és feldarabolása, melyben legújabb kiszemelt… [tovább]


Képek 5


Danny DeVitoLawrence Garfield
Gregory PeckAndrew Jorgenson
Penelope Ann MillerKate Sullivan
Piper LaurieBea Sullivan
Dean JonesBill Coles
R.D. CallArthur
Mo GaffneyHarriet
Bette HenritzeEmma
Tom AldredgeOzzie
Leila KenzleMarcia

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Andrew Jorgenson: Up here we don't plan the funeral until the body is dead.


Bill Coles: Can I speak frankly?

Lawrence Garfield: No. Lie to me! Tell me how thrilled you are to know me. I always speak frankly. I hate people who say, „Can we speak frankly?” It means they're bullshittin' me the rest of the time.


Lawrence Garfield: I love money. I love money more than the things it can buy. There's only one thing I love more than money. You know what that is? OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.


Kate Sullivan: Well, for someone who has nothing nice to say about lawyers, you certainly have plenty of them around.

Lawrence Garfield: They're like nuclear warheads. They have theirs, so I have mine. Once you use them, they fuck up everything.


Kate Sullivan: Rumor has it you got balls.

Lawrence Garfield: I've been trying to show you for weeks.


Lawrence Garfield: Since when do you have to be hungry to have a doughnut? It don't taste better that way.


Lawrence Garfield: Make as much as you can. For as long as you can. Whoever has the most when he dies, WINS.

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