A film a 20 éves drag queen, Yihao és barátai életét követi a 20 milliós Csengtu neonfényes éjszakáiban.
The Last Year of Darkness (2023) 1★
Képek 53
Yihao | önmaga |
Kimberly | önmaga |
Gena Baranov | önmaga |
Darkle | önmaga |
647 | önmaga |
Sam Intili | önmaga |
Gou Anita | önmaga |
Ye Sol | önmaga |
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 1
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Népszerű idézetek
– Exactly, there's a cycle. When you are doing good things, life pushes you in a good direction. And when you do bad things, life pushes you in a bad direction. That's super important.
– Too deep bro, what the fuck are you even talking about?
– When did you notice that you were changing mentally, and that you can't take it anymore?
– I think it must be within the past two years. Because before that, my heart just felt a little bit confused and unhappy. I got sadder and sadder. Then I sent a message to my mom saying „I feel that maybe I haven't been what you hoped I would be, or the daughter you want me to be.” I sent that to her. Then I sent something like that to my best friend. Then I thought, I'll round up all the pills in my house and take them. I thought that would have been more or less effective. Then they must have detected something odd about these texts. Then my friends…Here comes the funny part. My friends called 120 for a medical emergency. What he told them was, "My friend just came back from Thailand, She's in quarantine and is trying to kill herself. So please go save her.” But the people from the hospital heard it as „My friend just came back from Thailand. She is in quarantine. But she's infected with the virus, so she wants to kill herself.” So when they showed up I was completely baffled. Just in time, my friend also rushed over and knocked on the door. And when I opened the door, there was a bunch of people in HAZMAT suits. I was thinking what's going on? What's this all about? The funniest thing was, the guy in the HAZMAT suit, he was speaking Korean to me. He thought I was Korean.
– It's like my childhood, fuck. When I was a child…At first I hated my Dad so much. I thought that he was no good, that he was inept. I thought, „Why am I his son?” Later, when I lived with my Dad, I started hating my Mom. I didn't understand why she was like that. But now…I went through my saved chats and found something my Dad sent me. He said, „Don't expect too much from me. I'm just the first person you met in this world. I'm just the first person to have any connection to you. I'm also just an ordinary person.” I used to think, why is my family like this? Why are my parents like this? Why do I have to go through all these painful things? But later I realized that all these experiences are actually really precious. Really beautiful. Every time life makes you suffer, makes you feel lost or desperate…Life is forcing you to grow. Life is giving you some special strength. Life's letting you know, or actually it's making you feel, just how painful everything can be.