The Goes Wrong Show (2019–2021) 0

A sorozat minden részre átveszi a Ma este megbukunk című színdarab koncepcióját, azaz egy-egy színházi előadás elkészültét mutatják be úgy, hogy a felkészülés során minden rosszul sül el, szöveget felejtenek el, végtagokat törnek össze, díszleteket amortizálnak és szerepeket játszanak… [tovább]


Képek 1


Henry ShieldsChris
Jonathan SayerDennis
Bryony CorriganVanessa
Henry LewisRobert
Charlie RussellSandra
Nancy ZamitAnnie
Dave HearnMax
Greg TannahillJonathan
Chris LeaskTrevor

Várólistára tette 2

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Vanessa: Chris and Max are going to play the alphabet game, where the first line of the scene begins with A, second line with B, and backwards and forwards until they get to Z. So can I have a location for this scene? […] The zoo! Great! Here we go.
Chris: Always a pleasure to see you Gareth.
Max: Hi.
Chris: No, it has to start with B.
Max: Bye.
Chris: Come back, Gareth, I need to talk to you.
Max: Okay, what about?
Chris: It has to start with D now.
Max: Does it?
Chris: Exactly. Now you're getting it.
Max: Definitely.
Chris: No, it has to start with F.
Max: Finitely.
Chris: Good.
Max: Thanks.
Chris: Say a word beginning with H!
Max: Hull!
Chris: Jesus.
Max: No, you missed I.
Chris: I'm sorry.
Max: What about?
Chris: Kindly understand the game!
Max: I don't understand-
Chris: Say a word beginning with L!
Max: Lusty.
Chris: Max-
Max: No need to get upset.
Chris: Oh my God.
Max: Please, Chris-
Chris: Quiet!
Max: Right.
Chris: Stop the dings!
Max: Not very nice.
Chris: Unbelievable.
Max: Very rude.
Chris: Will you shut up!
Max: Xylophone.
Chris: You're an idiot.
Max: Zoo.
Vanessa: Aaand scene.

2. évad 4. rész – The Cornley Drama Festival Part 1
1 hozzászólás

Dennis: Well, well, well, look who it is, it's… it's uhhm…
Vanessa: Becky Sandhurst.
Dennis: Becky Sandhurst! Leader of the prostitution.
Chris: Prosecution.
Dennis: She's my sex life.
Chris: Ex-wife.
Dennis: Ex-wife! She's my ex-wife. Morning, Karl, you're looking well.
Vanessa: Morning, Karl, you're looking well.
Dennis: How's Jess, long pause? Come on, Becky, I've every right to ask about my daughter!

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Dennis: Remember, Jack, I… uhm..
Chris [muttering]: I know what I'm doing.
Dennis: I know what I'm doing.
Chris: You're the best defense lawyer in the country.
Dennis: You're the best defense lawyer in the country.
Chris: No, you are.
Dennis: I am. I'm the best defense lawyer in the country.

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Robert: Counsel, how does your client plead?
Dennis: Guilty, your honor.
Chris: Not guilty.
Dennis: The script says guilty.
Chris: Not guilty now, that's later.
Dennis: Not guilty now, but guilty later!

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Dennis: Erection!
Vanessa: Ob-… objection.
Dennis: How can you object to that call?
Vanessa: What's the matter, Becky, can't keep up?
Dennis: Order in court!
Robert: I'm sorry, your honor.
Dennis: That's quite alright, please proceed!
Vanessa: My client is innocent.
Dennis: I'll be the one to decide that, Mr. McKennon.
Robert: You're just trying to undermine me, because I'm your ex-wife.
Vanessa: Are you really gonna let her speak to me like that, my lord?
Dennis: Order! Order! Stop this at once! Don't you know who I am?
Robert: Mr. McKennon, on this occasion the court will be glad to uphold your erection. …Objection!

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Robert: Is there anything you'd like to add?
Dennis: Yes, your honor. Some arrogant legal stuff and a line about him being right-handed that's important for the plot later.
Robert: My God, you're good. …Do you request a mistrial?
Dennis: I request a mistrial!
Robert: Request denied!

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Chris: I was waiting for Nigel in his living room. [echoes fading] Living room, living room, living room. Living room. [echoes fade away, Chris's voice remains clear] Living room. Living room! Living room! Living room!!! LIVING ROOM!

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Dennis: Remember, it's not about us. It's about just-us.
Vanessa: Justice.

1. évad 3. rész – A Trial to Watch

Robert: And a huge congratulations to Benny Webber, who correctly spelled the word „incompetent” to win this year's spelling bee.
Dennis: I-N-C-O-M-M-P-E-T-E-N-T-E-N-T-E-N-T-E
Robert: Incompententententey.

2. évad 5. rész – The Cornley Drama Festival Part 2

Dennis: Bonnie Peggy Ramsey that any man may see, bonny was her face, for freckled was she. Hey no ni noni, hey no ni ney, with a slap of my thigh I will dance all the day.
chorus: With a slap of his thigh he wil dance all the day.
Dennis: There was a goose who was porked by a ham, I have a sausage, as I am a man.
chorus: He has a sausage as he is a man.
Dennis: The goose was in charge, I drank to its health, then I took off my trousers and showed it myself.
chorus: He took off his trousers and showed it himself.
Nancy: This is the most pleasing tune.
Vanessa: Oh, prithee more. What happened to Bonnie Peggy Ramsey?
Dennis: Bonnie Peggy came back, and what did she see? The goose, it was nude, and laying with me.
chorus: The goose, it was nude, and laying with he.
Dennis: It was the first time, it shan't be the last, I put my sausage in the goose's-
Vanessa: Prithee no more, fool!

2. évad 2. rész – The Most Lamentable...

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