Az egyetemista(magyar szakos) – nyáron Zágrábban ételfutárként dolgozó – Vatroslav, főnöke elől egy kis adriai szigetre, barátja nagymamájához menekül, ahol paradicsomot szüretel, szerelmes lesz, és zombik ellen is harcol.
Šalša (2024) 1★
Képek 21
Maxima Film
M Film Production
Iskra Film
Bitter Frames Production
További gyártók
Várólistára tette 2
Népszerű idézetek
Irena: And what do you do when you're not harvesting tomatoes?
Vatroslav: I work at a… restaurant. And I go to university.
Irena: What's your major?
Vatroslav: Hungarian.
Irena: What year are you in?
Vatroslav: Third. For the third time.
Irena: Why Hungarian?
Vatroslav: That's how the entrance exam works. You make your preference list, and I didn't get into the first four. The fifth on my list was Hungarian.
Irena: What was your first choice?
Vatroslav: I don't remember.
Irena: Shit sucks. How do you say that in Hungarian?
Vatroslav: I don't know. I can look it up.
Irena: What?
Vatroslav: That thing. Shit sucks in Hungarian.
Šalša (2024) 70%
Irena: Hello, Miss, my apologies…My friend studies Hungarian, it's ruined his Croatian. It's not the zombies attacking us, it's our own village folks.
Rendőr: Basically, your locals are sick of the gays, foreigners and liberals?
Šalša (2024) 70%
Vatroslav: Mr. Irud. I swear to fuck, you're the sanest person on the island.
Irud: My friend…If you don't go crazy here, you're not normal.