Románc (1999) 4

95' · francia · dráma 18 !

Marie, a fiatal tanítónő a bolondulásig szerelmes barátjába. Nem is csoda, hiszen Paul igazi férfiszépség, csak egy dolog hibázik nála. Bár egy ágyban alszanak, a fiút a szex, a testi közelség taszítja. Így a lány más karjaiban jut el a csúcsra, először a férfiasan gyengéd Paolo, majd a… [tovább]


Caroline DuceyMarie
Rocco SiffrediPaolo
Sagamore StéveninPaul
François BerléandRobert
Ashley WanningerAshley

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Love between men and women one cannot stress it often enough, is a treacherous battle.


Beautiful women like to be taken by ugly men. Of course, nobody admits that. There has to be a force of attraction. And that attraction is not between a man and a woman… That would be too simple. That attraction is between beauty and ugliness. Beauty is nourished by disgracefulness, there's a friction between them.


The only opportunity for love with women emerges from rape. Women easily give themselves to the next best guy. Even when they make the unfortunate one, who really loves them, suffer… The one who'd sacrifice his life for them, who respects them.


People say, a woman is no woman, until she's given birth to a child.

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