A meglehetősen össze nem illő unokatestvérek, David és Benji újra összejönnek egy lengyelországi túrára, hogy tisztelegjenek szeretett nagymamájuk emléke előtt. kritikustomeg.org
Rokonszenvedés (2024) 3★
Képek 33
Várólistára tette 38
Népszerű idézetek
Benji: I also got some good shit for when we land. Like, very, very good shit.
David: Wait. You're not, like, taking weed into Poland, are you?
Benji: Oh, yeah.
David: Benji?
Benji: They don't give a shit about that stuff, man. I'm telling you…
David: Mm. I think they very much do give a shit about that stuff.
Benji: Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Really?
David: Yeah.
Benji: They're gonna arrest two Jews in Poland for a little bit of weed? That's a good look for the Polish people.
David: In fact, she used to tell me that, like…you know, first-generation immigrants work some, like, menial job. You know, they drive cabs, they deliver food. Second generation, they go to good schools…and they become like, you know, a doctor or lawyer or whatever. And the third generation lives in their mother's basement…and smokes pot all day.