Pacifiction (2022) 7

2 díj · 7 jelölés

Francia Polinézia egyik szigetén, egy viharos természetességgel és magas diplomáciával rendelkező ember, a politika legmagasabb szintjei és polgártársai legalacsonyabb társadalmi rétege között él. A konfliktus, mint életmód arra készteti, hogy meggondolatlan döntéseket hozzon politikai… [tovább]

Képek 26


Benoît MagimelDe Roller
Pahoa MahagafanauShannah
Marc SusiniL'amiral
Matahi PambrunMatahi
Alexandre MeloLe Portugais
Sergi LópezMorton
Montse TriolaFrancesca
Lluís SerratLois
Michael VautorA kapitány
Cécile GuilbertRomane Attia

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 3

Várólistára tette 5

Kiemelt értékelések

Népszerű idézetek


– So…do you take drugs?
– Yes.
– I see.
– And you?
– Occasionally. But…it's not all that great.
– It's a bit like coffee.
– Not exactly. It doesn't have the same effects. At least not on me. Obviously never when I'm at sea, as you can imagine. It's different when I'm ashore.
– Yes. Then you want to feel like you're back at sea. Right?
– You understand me very well. I mean, it makes me more balanced. I won't lie. I find it hard being ashore. Really.
– You're better off at sea.
– Better in the sea, yes. It reassures me. There's great solidarity between people, between human beings, between men. Ashore…I feel more shaky.


– I could mention the Polynesians, or others, who also wound up exterminated. Genocides have created…The Indian genocide has created…
– Great civilizations.
– Great civilizations. It was good born of evil, as people cynically say.


– Incredible.
– An adrenaline rush, huh?
– Yes. Sensational. Transforming. Not much happens in my job.
– Well, this is my office and it's always trying to kill me.


– You know, people live with passion. Everything's about passion. So naturally, there are emotions. Too much emotion kills rationality. You can't reason if you're too emotional. It's impossible. You have to abandon your body entirely.


– Politics is like a nightclub. They call this place Paradise, but they're idiots. It's a party with the devil.


– That's politics: people in the dark who don't even look at each other anymore. Completely cut off from reality.

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