A sorozat egy San Fernando Valley-béli köziskolában tanító tanár nappalainak és éjjeleinek mélyreható bemutatása, aki sosem realizálta a kreatív vágyait, és épp elhagyta a menyasszonya. Bár tudja, hogy jó az élete, mégis szorongás és magány sújtja, egyre inkább rossz embernek gondolja magát.
Mr. Corman (2021–2021) 2★
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Josh: I love it when people aren't smiling in pictures.
Emily: Really? Why is that?
Josh: It just feels honest, I guess. Like, I never feel like smiling when someone's pointing a camera at me.
Emily: Well, out of all the people that we know, the ones that are freaking out about this whole thing are white males. And I think it's because, you know, you guys have always had this privilege of expecting things to just be fine and work out, and now that, you know, you guys are faced with some adversity, it could feel like the end of the world.
Josh: If you think that I think that everything's always just gonna work out, that just means you don't know me. Like, I never think that anything's gonna work out.
Emily: Maybe that's why you don't finish things.
Josh: The point I'm making is, why would I go talk to somebody if they're not gonna have anything interesting to say? Like, what am I really doing, just trying to have sex with a girl?
Victor: That's not all you're trying to do. Why do I feel it's a bad thing to say yes? Yes, sex is great! If they want to, why not?
Josh: Yeah, but even if they want to, I'm saying I won't be able to enjoy it, because I'll just be thinking the whole time about all the things she said back at the bar that were not interesting at all, but I acted like they were interesting, and I smiled like a phony fuck, and I'd just be hating myself the whole time.
Ruth: In the end, all that matters is family.
Josh: That's all that matters? It's depressing.
– The only people who become teachers are people who wanted to do something else and gave up.
Victor: What's causing it?
Josh: I don't know.
Victor: Okay, so you say you were anxious, right. What are you anxious about?
Josh: I don't know!
Victor: Think! What's bothering you?
Josh: Everything.
Victor: Okay, can you narrow it down a bit?
Josh: No, it's every thought that I have.
Ruth: You have always had something against David.
Josh: I don't have anything against David. He's just a bad person.
Ruth: He's seven!
Josh: Yeah but you can be a bad person when you're seven. Doesn't mean you'll stay a bad person.
Dax: I know it's all cool to be like „fuck the world, I just don't give a fuck”. But you know what, man? I do give a fuck, and I'm not scared to say it, bro. I want people to like me, man.