Louis C.K.: Live at the Comedy Store (2015) 2

66' · amerikai · stand-up

Louis C.K. a rá jellemző vicces/elgondolkodtató módon foglalkozik a konyhában talált denevérrel, a szexelő patkányokkal, a bostoni akcentussal és a halott háziállatokkal.

Képek 11


Louis C. K.önmaga

Várólistára tette 1

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– Mark Twain once said, „A man who always tells the truth, doesn't have to remember what he said.” And that's great. But Mark Twain also said, „There once was a big black guy named Nigger Jim.” So, I don't know if a 100% of the things he said were perfectly awesome.


– Yeah, well, we’re all gonna die at some point. It’s true, man. And you find out at some point- It’s an interesting thing about human beings, that we live with the knowledge that we’re gonna die. I found out when I was seven that everybody dies. My grandfather told me. He said, “Everybody dies!” I wasn’t even talking to him. I was just trying to blow out the candles.


Vigyázat! Felnőtt tartalom.

– I was, um… I was in New York one time, I was on the subway platform and I saw two rats, uh, and they were fucking. And I never saw that before. I’m like, oh, shit. There’s two rats fucking right there. And so I watched ’em, um, ’cause you can watch rats fuck. It’s not a big deal. You don’t have to go, like… You can really just totally just watch ’em.

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