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Trevor Noah: I think there should be a rule in America that says you can hate immigrants all you want, but if you do, you don't get to eat their food. That's a fair exchange for me. If you hate immigrants, no immigrant food. No Mexican food, no Caribbean food, no Dominican food, no Asian food, nothing. Only potatoes. I'm not even saying flavored potatoes. Just plain potatoes, no spice. Because, no immigrants, no spice. Don't ever forget that. Both figuratively and literally, no spice.


Trevor: He’s like, “Please welcome the snakes of Bali.” I’m like, “The what?” I’m like, “Oh, he said snakes.” And I look, and there’s snakes. There’s a group of men gathering snakes to bring out to us. And so I’m like, “Yeah, no. No, I don’t.” No, because you see, as a black person, culturally, I’m trying to not die.


Trevor: I was walking through the streets of Chicago, minding my own business. Some guy drove by in a pickup truck and called me the n-word. And I’m not gonna lie, I was disappointed. Mostly because he was driving a pickup truck. Yeah, I just feel like that was an unnecessary stereotype that he didn’t need to perpetuate. You know, I feel like if you’re going to be racist, do something different. Think outside the box. Drive a Prius. It’s better for the environment and it’s quiet. You can sneak up on me. We both win.


Trevor: You’re not going to trick me into not being afraid of a snake. My toxic masculinity is not so high.


Trevor: And so we drove for about 20 minutes, to what I thought was going to be a restaurant. Instead (…) [it was] a food truck. Which I’ve learned is common in America. (…) But at that point in time, you’ll have to forgive me, I was little bit apprehensive. I wasn’t comfortable with the idea of getting food from an establishment that would not be there the next day. I feel there’s a certain level of accountability that comes with permanence.


Trevor: I was jaywalking. (…) I was crossing the road and then the light turned red for me, but I decided to walk anyways, because I don’t see color.

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