Hét férfi dolgozik egy katonai hírszerző irodában 1956-ban, Londonban. Hopper unatkozik, amikor oroszt fordít, és rock and roll musicaleket képzel el az irodában.
Lipstick on Your Collar (1993–1993) 1★
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 8
Népszerű idézetek
Major Church: Name? Say again?
Private Francis Francis: Francis, sir. Francis, F.
Major Church: What's the F?
Private Francis Francis: Francis, sir.
Major Church: Yes, yes, what's the F?
Private Francis Francis: Francis, sir. Francis Francis.
Major Church: How very economical. Well, Francis, get this clear. When we call you „Francis,” we mean „Francis,” not „Francis.”
Private Francis Francis: Sir! I would like you to accept the proposal, sir, that I am not as big a fool as I must seem, sir!
Sylvia Berry: Do you like music?
Private Mick Hopper: Do I like music?
Sylvia Berry: Yeah, but what sort?
Private Mick Hopper: The sort where „moon” don't rhyme with „June,” and you're not up to your backside in bloody buttercups. Songs that aren't about your mum and dad. A bit rough. A beat that busts up the old way…the old stodge…the empire…and knowing your place, and „excuse me,” and dressing up, and doing what you're told, and not once being asked!
Major Hedges: I see, I see, no one interested in my state of mind this bright morn. Now why is that do you think? Do you consider perhaps that I am being provocative, is that it, eh? Eh? Or boring even! Have I become a bore without even knowing?
Private Hopper: Well, you can't put your finger in it but it's there. It's definitely there.
Private Francis: What is?
Private Hopper: Change.
Private Hopper: What difference does one more little bit og shit make? The whole bloody job stinks anyway.