Jutalomjáték (2019) 5

96' · kanadai · dráma, zenei 12

Henry Cole híres és ünnepelt zongorista, aki karrierje vége felé folyamatosan színpadi félelmeivel küszködik. Amikor váratlanul felbukkan életében Helen, a fiatal, szabad szellemű és roppant lelkes kritikus, a lány személye inspirálóan hat rá. Sőt…



Patrick StewartHenry Cole
Katie HolmesHelen Morrison
Giancarlo EspositoPaul
Don Andersonriporter
Abdul Ayoolabiztonsági őr
Letitia BrookesMaya
Drew DavisDaniel
Beat MartiLudwig van Beethoven
Patrick Ryanbiciklis
Silvana Sancheznő a hotelben

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 13

Népszerű idézetek


– Play for them. I'll be listening.
– I'll be playing for you.


– Do you like flowers, Mr. Cole?
– I like all quiet forms of life.


– I am an old man.
– What's the matter, you have something against younger women?
– No.


– What does great music feel like? Like a form of knowledge, maybe, or even wisdom? But it isn't wisdom of course, nor anything else I can put into words. The best I can do is to say that it's somehow about what it feels like to be alive.


– Henry Cole is an existential pianist. He plays with his whole life. Of course, being existential about anything can be complicated.


– You changed my life 15 years ago. […] „What matters most is experience,” you said, „Not performance. The greatest gift, what truly sets people apart is… the ability to feel.”


– Success often conceals a flaw, a wound, some deep-seated doubt. It might be forgotten for a while, but it's always there, operating in the background, lurking behind the mask.


– All these people, Henry, you make them happy, you know? That's why they come to hear you play. So, just play, Henry. Play for them.


– The real miracle is that I can still torment myself like this. Sometimes you just have to let it fly.


– A smile, Sir Henry, please.
– Why don't we just use a Kandinsky or Frank Stella?!….

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