I giorni contati (1962) 1

His Days Are Numbered
99' · olasz · dráma

Cesare, egy magányos római vízvezeték-szerelő az ötvenes évei elején. Egy nap a villamoson utazva szemtanúja lesz egy vele egykorú férfi hirtelen szívrohamban bekövetkezett halálának. Az esemény rádöbbenti, hogy a saját napjai meg vannak számlálva, és elhatározza, hogy a lehető legtöbbet hozza… [tovább]

olasz · francia

Képek 6


Salvo RandoneCesare Conversi
Franco SportelliAmilcare Franceschelli
Régina BianchiGiulia
Marcella ValeriGraziella anyja
Angela MinerviniGraziella
Giulio BattiferriSpartaco
Lando BuzzancaCesare fia
Vincenzo FalangaMazzolatore
Renato Maddalena
Alberto Amato

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Népszerű idézetek


-We think we know so many things, but we know nothing! Got it? Nothing! We are like cats, prisoners in a sack!
– Got it. You have drunk.


– Doctor! I'd like you to tell me…you surely must know, you've studied so much and…if… you must surely know this.
– What?
– I'll tell you, you might think it's a stupid thing, but…wouldn't it be possibIe to know from now when…will I die?
– Did you take me for a fortune teller?


– But can an existence made of thousand identical moments be called a life? A chain of imposed moves and steps? Without a holiday or a getaway! A job he didn't like, and a family…that didn't love him! 365 days a year, for more than 40 years…You are the ones…That should send this man into prison. But what else has his life been until this very day? If not darkness, prison! Penitenciary! Forced labour! Forced residence!

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