Gilda énekesnőként lép fel férje kétes hírű dél-amerikai kaszinójában. Ide vetődik egykori rajongója, egy fiatal szerencselovag, aki dolgozni kezd a férjnek. Nem veszélytelen vállalkozás, különösen, ha még ég a régi tűz…
Gilda (1946) 22★
Képek 22
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 39
Népszerű idézetek
Gilda: You're out of practice, aren't you? Dancing, I mean. I can help you get in practice again Johnny. Dancing, I mean.
Gilda (1946) 73%
Ballin: But hate can be a very exciting emotion. Very exciting. Haven't you noticed that?
There is a heat in it that one can feel. Didn't you feel it tonight?
I did. It warmed me. Hate is the only thing that has ever warmed me.
Gilda (1946) 73%
Gilda: If you're worried about Johnny Farrell, don't be. I hate him!
Ballin: And he hates you. That's very apparent. But hate can be a very exciting emotion. Very exciting. Haven't you noticed that?
Gilda: You make it s…
Ballin: There is a heat in it, that one can feel.
Gilda (1946) 73%
Gilda: Would it interest you to know how much I hate you, Johnny?
Johnny: Very much.
Gilda: I hate you so much that I would destroy myself to take you down with me.
Gilda (1946) 73%
Gilda: You do hate me, don't you, Johnny?
Johnny: I don't think you have any idea of how much.
Gilda: Hate is a very exciting emotion. Haven't you noticed? Very exciting. I hate you too, Johnny. I hate you so much I think I'm going to die from it. Darling…
[they kiss passionately]
Gilda: I think I'm going to die from it.
Gilda (1946) 73%
Obregon: You two kids love each other pretty terribly, don't you?
Johnny: I hate her!
Obregon: That's what I mean. It's the most curious love-hate pattern I've ever had the privilege of witnessing.