Faust (1994) 4

A történet hőse eladja a lelkét az ördögnek huszonnégy, boldog évért cserébe, ám a kialkudott időt sohasem kapja meg. A férfi egy térkép segítségével, egy romos épületben találja magát, amelyről kiderül, hogy egy alkimista laboratórium és egy komor bábszínház furcsa keveréke. Ott felfedezi, hogy… [tovább]

Képek 50


Petr ČepekFaust
Jan Kraus
Vladimír Kudla
Antonin Zacpal
Jiří Suchý
Viktorie Knotková
Jana Mézlová
Miluse Straková
Josef Fiala
Martin Radimecký

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 25

Népszerű idézetek


– We are unhappy spirits who fell with Lucifer…who conspired against our God with Lucifer… and are forever condemmed to suffer the same fate as Lucifer.
– To what are you condemmed?
– To the fires of the Pit.
– How is it possible then…that you have now escaped from Hell, and are here at my side?
– Why? For this is Hell, nor have I left Him.


– Transport me down to Hell and then to glories up on high.

– Do I intrude upon your rest? Or would you care to talk?
– What you've shown me just confirms what I already knew, that large and small are distinctions that do not exist. The elephant and the tiny flea share the same complexity. So still I seek the force that guides life's flow, something more than mere external show.
– This force cannot be known.
– Why should that be so? They lie beyond what words address. We only grasp those thoughts which language can express. Words are mightier than we?
– They are.
– Then what of longing or affection? All those feelings that rage within us like a storm at sea?
– Only mist.
– And all of us are wind as well?


– Your thirst for knowledge is unnatural. Live as millions of your brothers do. Sleep, eat, drink.. Let that suffice for you!

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