A Por lányai egy 1991-es független film , amelyet Julie Dash írt, rendezett. 1902-ben játszódó film a Gullah nők három nemzedékének történetét meséli el a Peazant családban a Saint Helena-szigeten, miközben arra készülnek, hogy kivándoroljanak a szigetről.
Daughters of the Dust (1991) 2★
Képek 18
Várólistára tette 8
Népszerű idézetek
– The minute those Ibo were brought ashore, they just stopped and took a look around. Not saying a word, just studying the place real good. And they saw things that day that you and I don't have the power to see. Well, they saw just about everything that was to happen around here that day. The slavery time, the war my grandmother always talks about, those Ibo didn't miss a thing. They even saw you and me, standing here talking. When they got through sizing up the place real good and seeing what was to come, my grandmother said they turned, all of them, and walked back in the water, every last man, woman, and child. Now you wouldn't think they'd get very far seeing as it was water they were walking on. Had all that iron upon them, upon their ankles and their wrists, and fastened around their neck like dog collars. But chains didn't stop those Ibo none. They just kept walking, like the water was solid ground. When they got to where the ship was, they didn't so much as give it a look. Just walked right past it because they was going home.
– I come with the Ibo. Some say the Ibo flew back home to Africa. Some say they all joined hands and walked on top of the water. But, Mister, I was there. Those Ibo, men, women, and children, a hundred or more, shackled in iron, when they go down in that water, they never came back up. Ain't nobody can walk on water.