Az összeesküvéselmélet-rajongó Ryan mélyen belemerül a hírhedt, megoldatlan bűncselekmények rejtélyeibe, hogy meggyőzze kételkedő barátját, Shane-t, hogy nem minden az, aminek látszik.
Kedvencelte 6
Várólistára tette 21
Népszerű idézetek
Shane: I think that's the first time I've ever heard of a detective going missing. That's like a fish drowning.
Shane: I've connected the two dots.
Ryan: You didn't connect shit.
Shane: I've connected them.
Ryan: Later when he found out Michelle had died in a shark attack, he wrote and eventuelly published this poem:
„The report said there was a tattoo
A butterfly on her shoulder
Which remembered that night
On my couch when I like the shark
Chewed on her lips and took off her shirt”
Shane: What the fuck? No, shame on him.
Ryan: Haha, it's not even a good poem, it's just weird.
Shane: No, it's very strange.
Ryan: This sounds like something a drunk man would say as he's laying on the sidewalk, just babbling.
Shane: I don't like that one bit.
Ryan: And the- like, the sark chewed on her lips and took off her shirt?
Shane: No, the sark was not doing that, sir. The shark is ten times less creepier than you!
Shane: I think if you're gonna kill a bunch of people, you might as well have some fun with it.
Shane: I cried at Little Women a year ago.
Ryan: The film?
Shane: No, I just saw some little women on the street and I sobbed.
Shane: If I get murdered, nobody come to my funeral.
Ryan: Don't think you're gonna have to put that disclaimer out. It's gonna happen on its own.