Pete Davidson komikus abszurd fiktív elemekkel tarkított önéletrajzi ihletésű minisorozata.
Bupkis (2023–2023) 8★
Képek 9
Broadway Video
Studio Concierge
Universal Television
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 21
Népszerű idézetek
Pete: I don't think anybody really knows what they're doing, right? I mean, I don't have as much experience as you, but… I don't know, when I was 18, I thought, „when I'm 21 I'll have it all figured out”, right? Then 21 came and I was like, „I don't know, maybe 25? Maybe 25?” And then 25 came, and I was like, „maybe 29?” And now I'm 29, I'm like, 33?
Amy: Florida is where you were at your worst. It's everything wrong with you in one state.
Amy: I'm the queen of Staten Island! Marisa Tomei played me in the movie!
Pete: I don't think we need to worry about the egg right now. I think we gotta find a load holder.
Amy: It's called a surrogate, honey.
Pete: I just wanna be there for a child, I wanna have a child.
Tommy: Okay, take mine. She'll do it for the checkmark.
Pete: I don't want Angela, I want my own fresh one.
Pete: Maybe it'll teach me to channel my inner chaos and give my life meaning or some shit, I don't know.
Tommy: Bro, what the fuck are you talking about? Look at me, I'm a dad. Do I look like my life has meaning?
My family hates me, yes, they do
I'm trying to make it up
With italian stew
My grandpa's dying
Very sad
My mama and my sister don't like who I am