A sorozat nyomon követi a szociálisan alkalmatlan kémiatanár, Keith Church mindennapjait, aki a kitalált Greybridge Gimnáziumban dolgozik, valahol Watford közelében, Észak-Londonban. Keith beleszeret az új franciatanárnőbe, Sarah Posternbe, aki önmagát inspiráló pedagógusnak véli, s képes… [tovább]
Big School (2013–2014) 4★
Képek 9
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 5
Népszerű idézetek
Mr. Martin: What are One Direction doing on there?
Sarah Postern: Une Direction. It's a learning aid for my Year Eights. It's just all the hot and happening bands.
Mr. Martin: Une Direction aren't hot and happening.
Sarah Postern: Well… they might lack the integrity of Florence Et L'Engin or La Femme Gaga, but they are certainly hot and happening.
Mr. Martin: They don't even play their own instruments.
Sarah Postern: Look, it is just a bit of fun to get the kids to learn French.
Mr. Martin: It's not fun. They're killing music.
Sarah Postern: I'd just love to do something that random here. Just for fun. You know, but also raising much-needed cash for children with really tough lives both here in the UK and in Northern Ireland.
Ms. Baron: Like what?
Sarah Postern: Non-uniform day.
Ms. Baron: No. We had one in 2002 and all the girls came dressed as sluts.
Keith Church: I bet you don't even know what CV stands for.
Trevor Gunn: Yeah, I do.
Keith Church: Go on, then.
Trevor Gunn: I'm going to go and get some dinner, going to run out of chips.
Keith Church: No.
Trevor Gunn: Well, obviously the C stands for „careers”.
Keith Church: Go on.
Trevor Gunn: V… Verdict… No. Voucher. Vasectomy.
Keith Church: Careers vasectomy? That's your final answer?
Trevor Gunn: Can I phone a friend?
Keith Church: It's curriculum vitae.
Trevor Gunn: I don't speak French.