Ez a film még nem korhatáros – hirdeti sokat ígérően a film, ami nem kevesebbre vállalkozik, mint hogy lerántsa a leplet az Amerikai Besorolási Bizottság hírhedten titokzatos tevékenységéről, annak visszásságairól. A gerillaakció során mind a film készítőinek, mind a nézőknek remek alkalmuk… [tovább]
Besorolás alatt (2006) 2★
Kimberly Peirce | önmaga |
Kevin Smith | önmaga |
John Waters | önmaga |
Matt Stone | önmaga |
Darren Aronofsky | önmaga |
Várólistára tette 7
Népszerű idézetek
Michael Tucker: When the Americans liberated Buchenwald, and they saw these images, these heaps of people, is that PG? Is that PG-13? Is that R? People need to see that. When the little girl's running down the road in South Vietnam, burnt by napalm, and she's naked, is that PG? Is it PG-13? Is it R? You can't rate reality. And if you can't deal with it, then don't send people to war.
Kimberly Peirce: But then they said, „You did a great job, but we're sorry to say you lost. But you just lost by a margin.” And I was so devastated, because I had bought in to the fact that this was a system whereby I could win.