Aziz Ansari: Nightclub Comedian (2022) 0

30' · amerikai · stand-up

A lezárások újabb éve után Aziz színpadra lép, hogy a világjárvány, a karantén, a vakcinakártyák, a hírességek mellékszereplései, az okostelefonok és még sok minden más témával foglalkozzon.

angol · angol

Képek 5


Aziz Ansari

Várólistára tette 2

Népszerű idézetek


– I felt a little stretched thin, and I ran into Frank Ocean at a party, and I was like,
„Frank, how do you do it, man? Never do any press, you barely tour, and you only put out your music when you really want to. What's the secret?”
And he said, „Oh, man, you just got to be comfortable making less money, that's all.”
And I was like, „Oh, shit. Make less money, you say? Never thought about that.”


– You hate Kamala Harris? I've never even seen her. I was so excited, she's, like, Indian.
There's, like, more footage of Bigfoot than Kamala Harris, okay?

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