Mélyen bensőséges dokumentumfilm, melyben Jon Batiste próbál szimfóniát szerezni, miközben a felesége, Suleika Jaouad írónő, rákkezelést kap.
Amerikai szimfónia (2023) 8★
Képek 15
Várólistára tette 11
Népszerű idézetek
– No but you breathe a lot because you are expressing something.
– Right.
– If you don't breathe, it's like a computer, it doesn't express anything. You want life.
Jaouad: You're meant to return from the hardest moments of your life stronger and braver, and more of a warrior for what you've been through. I don't want to have tough skin. I want to feel the things that are happening to me. The terrible things. The beautiful things. I wanna be open to it all.