A fiatal régész, Steve a kairói múzeum igazgatójának tiltása ellenére is nekivág, hogy felkutassa Egyiptomban a háromezer évvel ezelőtt elhunyt Ananka hercegnő sírját. Steve-et elkíséri mecénásának lánya, Marta is. Hosszú és küzdelmes kutatómunka után rábukkannak Kharis herceg sírjára, akit… [tovább]
A múmia bosszúja (Kharis 1.) (Universal Classic Monsters) (1940) 4★
Képek 26
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 8
Népszerű idézetek
– You hear? Children of the night. They howl above the Hill of the Seven Jackals when Kharis must be fed.
Dr. Petrie: And these markings translated give us another name.
Banning: The Hill of the Seven Jackals. This square at the base of the hill must indicate Ananka's tomb. If we're right and we find it…
Dr. Petrie: Your place in archeological history is assured, Banning. As important a find as the tomb of Tutankhamen.
Jenson: Hey, that sounds good, but where are you gonna find this Hill of the Seven Jackasses?
– Say, Steve. What does anyone want to get buried away out here for?
– This was probably once the heart of a great metropolis.
– Metropolis? What's that? One of those prehistoric animals?
– What's that?
– Oh, a jackass.
– You wouldn't mean a jackal, would you?
– What's the difference? They're first cousins.
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