Többgenerációs eposz, amely az Amerika szuperhatalom születésének történetét meséli el az egyik texasi olajbirodalom véres felemelkedésén és bukásán keresztül.
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 28
Népszerű idézetek
Eli: What's his angle?
Phineas: He fancies himself a renegade.
Eli: A renegade, huh? What does that mean, his socks don't match his skivvies?
Jeannie: What happens when someone dies?
Sally: If they're good, they go to heaven.
Jennie: Who knows if they're good?
Sally: God does. C'mon!
Jeannie: Are we good?
Sally: Of course we are. We're McCulloughs.
Eli: There was a time I thought I'd live forever. Lately I've been wondering what's gonna happen after I'm gone.
Toshaway: Ah! This isn't about your family. You wanna be remembered.
You beat a man long enough, he'll admit to crucifying the Savior.
1. évad 2. rész – The Plum Tree
– Daddy! Why am I your favorite? I never asked for it. I don't want it. Why?
– You make me a better man.
2. évad 10. rész – Legend