Anglia, Kent a II. világháború idején.
Alice Lamb írónőre egy fiatal fiú, Frank gondozását próbálják rábízni, akit a háború borzalmai elől menekítették el Londonból, ahol már nem volt többé biztonságos az élet.
Alice-nek azonban nem akaródzik elvállalni a dolgot: fél, hogy ez… [tovább]
Summerland (2020) 18★
Kedvencelte 4
Várólistára tette 28
Népszerű idézetek
Frank: What's Fata Morgana?
Alice: I thought you were digging potatoes. They won't dig themselves. It's a myth about how she lured sailors to their deaths.
Frank: How?
Alice: With visions of floating islands. They say she'd conjure them up to make sailors steer off course, crash their boats, and drown.
Frank: Why?
Alice: Because she's a woman in folklore, ergo a temptress or a virgin. She's bound to get blamed for something.
– Upon the heat and flame of thy distemper, sprinkle cool patience, sir.
– What's that?
– As the bard said.
– Shakespeare didn't have to deal with Alice Lamb, though, did he? Or he might have said, „Get thee under the table and hide!”
Mrs. Roy,
Your son appears to have moved into my house entirely against my will.
He is fine.
Alice Lamb
– Did you have to tell him?
– No, Miss Lamb did.
– I hope she did it gently.
– Bad news is bad news, however you tell it.
Ha tetszett a film, nézd meg ezeket is
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