Lisszabon külvárosában Márcia, a negyvenes éveiben járó, egyedülálló, kétgyermekes anya szakácsnőként dolgozik egy szomszédos étteremben, és lakását nővérével, Ivete-vel osztja meg, aki egy bevásárlóközpontban fodrász. Andreia, a lánya, pénztáros egy szupermarketben, ápolónőnek tanul, és… [tovább]
Sangue do Meu Sangue (2011) 1★
Képek 11
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– One doctor, in the old days, both a scientist and an artist, he was called Abel de Lima Salazar said, very wisely, „A doctor that only knows about medicine knows nothing about medicine! It's life we have to know about, it's life we have to understand.” Happiness is only possible when we understamd life and ourselves inside out. „How do we know that life is not death, and death, is not life?” That's to say to understand life we have to understand death. What makes life bearable is not our love of life but our fear of death. And what can we do about it? We can live. Most lives are likes clocks that have been wound up and just tick along without knowing why. For most people, life is a constant struggle for survival, in the certain knowledge that it will be lost in the end. For most people, life is hard, a constant source of anxiety. They totter about as if in a dream distracting themselves with trivialities, petty ambitions, futil hopes. And then they wonder: what is the meaning of this life? What are we living for?