Rabu raifu (2022) 1

Love Life
123' · francia, japán · dráma

Taeko és férje, Jiro békésen élnek fiukkal, Keitával. Egy tragikus baleset visszahozza az életükbe a fiú vérszerinti apját, Parkot. Taeko megpróbál segíteni a hallássérült és hajléktalan férfinak megbirkózni a fájdalommal és a bűntudattal.

japán · angol

Képek 33


Kimura FuminoTaeko
Yamazaki HironaYamazaki
Taguchi TomorowoMakoto
Nagayama KentoJirô
Fukunaga AkariTomiyama
Kanno MisuzuMyoe
Shimada TettaKeita
Sunada AtomPaku
Mito NatsumeKondo
Urayama YoshikiHojo

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– Hey chase them!
– Okay!…They run too fast. They were both on the school track team..
– And you?
– Book club.


– Has anything changed since you attended that church?
– I wonder…To be honest, actually, I still don't really know. But after… what happened to Keita, I did a lot of thinking. I realised how powerless we are. You know, for me…I've never really believed in God. But…as much as I studied about science and philosophy, I realised that nothing can protect us.
– From what?
– Eh?
– Protect us from what?
– Well, I mean…Dying, for example. Actually…I still dont really believe in this stuff…in God. I've just…started to explore faith. But you know what? Before I die, I hope I can believe it in time.
– In time?
– Mm…
– If I had had faith, would Keita have been protected?
– It's not that. Being protected doesn't mean not dying. It's just that I…I'm scared of dying alone.
– Father and Jiro-san is with you, aren't they?
– They are but I'm still alone. We can't all die together.

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