Az egzotikus, szubtrópusi éghajlatú Guizhou tartományban, a ködös és nedves Kaili város egyik kis klinikáján két aggodalmas orvos éli szellemszerű életét. Egyikük, Chen Sheng elhatározza, hogy elhunyt édesanyja kívánságát teljesítve, felkutatja fivérének elhagyott gyermekét, és vonatútra indul.… [tovább]
China Film (Shanghai)
International Media Co.
Blackfin (Beijing) Culture & Media Co.
Heaven Pictures (Beijing) The Movies Co.
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 4
Népszerű idézetek
– I was unlucky that day. I got caught by the warden right after getting in.
We called him Master Wang. I begged him not to tell on me. I said, "Old Master,
please let me off this once. "I only did it because I was exhausted."Don't report me, please!
„If you report me, I've had it.” He didn't say anything. So, I assumed I'd gotten away with it.
But once I'd had a shower and something to eat, two team leaders came.
They took me to an office and gave me such a beating. It was only towards the end
of my prison term that I found out that once upon a time, the locals didn't know how to fuck.
They learnt how to shag by observing how the dogs did it.
So, the locals all called the dogs, „Old Masters.”