John Mulaney és az Uzsonnástáskások (2019) 5

John Mulaney & the Sack Lunch Bunch
70' · amerikai · vígjáték, musical, családi

A nosztalgikus varietéműsorban John Mulaney és a gyerekek egzisztenciális kérdésekre keresnek választ fülbemászó dalokkal, vicces jelenetekkel és különleges vendégekkel.



John Mulaneyönmaga
Jake GyllenhaalMr. Music
Natasha Lyonneönmaga
John Mulaney és az Uzsonnástáskások (2019)

Kedvencelte 1

Várólistára tette 6

Népszerű idézetek


kislány: What's the tone of this show?
John Mulaney: How do you mean?
kislány 2: She means, is it ironic or do you like doing a children's show?
John Mulaney: We talk a lot about that. That's the million dollar question. Well, first off, I like doing the show. I mean The Sack Lunch Bunch is fun. But honestly, like, if this doesn't turn out great, I think we should all be like „Oh, it was ironic.” And then people will be like „Oh, that's hilarious.” But if it turns out very good, be like „Oh, thank you, we worked really hard.” and act fake humble, and then you win either way… That's the first lesson of this special, I just decided. You can go very far in life if you pretend to know what you're doing.

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