Janet és Lacy (2023) 2

Janet Planet
113' · amerikai · dráma

1 díj · 0 jelölés

Nyugat-Massachusetts egy félreeső városában a 11 éves Lacy otthon 1991 nyarát, melyet saját képzelőereje és édesanyja, Janet (Julianne Nicholson) szerető figyelme tölt ki. Néhány hónap elteltével három látogató érkezik városba, és mindegyiküket rabul ejt Janet és elbűvölő természete. Magányos… [tovább]

angol · angol

Képek 27


Julianne NicholsonJanet
Zoe ZieglerLacy
Elias KoteasAvi
Will PattonWayne
Sophie OkonedoRegina
June Walker GrossmanSusanna
Abby HarriEmily
Mary ShultzDavina
Mary Beth BrookerBonnie
Edie Moon KearnsSequoia

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Janet: It has to do with truth before ego. Truth before the desire to be liked, which is a very female thing.
Lacy: What is?
Janet: The desire to be liked. My own liberation depends on my ability to put truth before the desire to be liked. My own liberation depends on my ability to put truth before the desire to be loved. My own liberation depends on my ability to put truth before ego. My own liberation depends on my willingness to put truth before my own self-image. My own liberation depends on my willingness to see truth beyond my own self-image. My own liberation depends on my willingness to see truth beyond my own self-image. Something like that. And then you can do prostrations. My own willingness…My own liberation depends on my willingness to see truth beyond my own self-image. My own liberation depends on my willingness to see truth beyond my own self-image. My own liberation depends on my willingness to see truth beyond my own self-image. It's really starting to smell like fall. I think it's my favorite smell in the whole world.


Regina: Everything is a door. What experience has made you suffer most?


Avi: Well, a number of you have asked me why we call what we did tonight a service and not a performance. Well, um…We think of our work as a funeral and also as a celebration. We're in service for you, and with you, to collectively process and mourn our nihilistic, materialistic, dead and asleep culture. And we're here to celebrate radical, impersonal love. Because that's the deepest source of political and spiritual resistance.


Avi: So, we're in agreement that before the universe existed, there was nothing, right? Are the two of you in agreement with me?…Theoretically? There was nothing, and out of nothing came something. I mean, we're… we're talking about the Big Bang. There was nothing, and out of nothing came something. Right? Okay. So, out of nothing came something. There was just God or…or Brahmin or whatever you want to call him. There was God and the state of nothing ever happening for an infinity of time…well, of no time, 'cause time didn't exist. Imagine you're God, okay? And you are God, by the way. I know you don't think you are, but you are. And just imagine you've been doing nothing forever. And then imagine the thought crosses your mind that, You know, maybe I should do something. And then another billion years go by. And then, Hmm, maybe I should do something. Nah, I'm gonna go back to doing nothing. Pfft. Once you have that thought, God, once you have that thought, it's hard to let go of, right? It's hard to let go of that…that impulse. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. But you do. Okay, so you create the universe. Bang. Everything changes in an instant. And millions of years later, you get human consciousness. Now, are you both still with me so far? All right. Every Buddhist scripture says…And I know that you know this. Every Buddhist scripture says there's only one I, right? That's the first thing we learn. I may look like a man, and you may look like a woman, but…we're all the same. We're all one. So, if there's only one I, which we acknowledge to be a spiritual truth, then you…you created the universe. You made that decision.

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