Kedvencelte 2

Várólistára tette 58

Kiemelt értékelések


A táj, a zene, a fényképezés, a filmre forgatás a pozitívumok. A két órás játékidőt viszont nem tudja megtölteni, nincs ennyi a történetben.

Népszerű idézetek


– They say the volcano emits a stench, a smell so foul, it's as if the Earth has shat its pants. The smell can be so overwhelming that people lose their minds.


– I'm Lucas. The priest.
– A Danish devil.


– And the man instantly realized that he was witnessing a breeding process that no living man had ever seen before. But what the man found most frightening was that the eels emitted peculiar sounds. A sound that was strangely familiar to women's sounds of pleasure.


– I am God. So much of the divine piles up in me that I cannot die.


– This is what happens when you invite an Icelander. They drink your wine and spill the rest!


– I have no ambition to be a man of great knowledge. The older I get, the more I realize that I know what I know, and that what I think…is not very important. I'm convinced that we are all very small and fleeting.


– But it's terribly beautiful here.
– Yes, it's terrible. And beautiful.

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