Az élet nem más mint holdkór, mi pedig mind (vagy csak ők?) bolondok vagyunk. A rendező szerint alkotása – amely, mint minden korábbi műve, élő szereplőket kombinál animációval – filozofikus horrorfilm az abszolút szabadságról, a manipulációról és a civilizációs elfojtásokról. Kétségbe ejt és… [tovább]
Holdkór (2005) 8★
Képek 18
Jan Tříska | Marquis |
Pavel Liska | Jean Berlot |
Anna Geislerová | Charlota |
Martin Huba | Dr. Coulmiere |
Jaroslav Dušek | Dr. Murlloppe |
Pavel Nový | Dominik |
Stano Danciak | Fogadós |
Jirí Krytinár | |
Katerina Ruzicková | |
Iva Littmanová |
Kedvencelte 4
Várólistára tette 17
Népszerű idézetek
– O Christ, prince of impostors, thief of our noblest pleasures! Listen to me! All you've done since you crawled from that Virgin's belly is shirk your responsibilities and break all your promises! For centuries we've waited, but still you remain silent! You promised salvation, but not a single soul have you saved! You monster, who in your cruelty created life and inflicted it on every innocent soul, then cursed us, in the name of some unknown power, with 'original sin', only in order to punish us in the name of that same 'authority'! We demand you confess! Admit you lied to us! Confess to your heinous, inexcusable crimes! We shall drive new nails even deeper into your flesh and crown your brow with even sharper thorns, until your agonized blood spurts from your dried-up wounds!
Worthless being, in whose name so much blood has been spilt! You are nothing, a mere figment of man's foolish hopes and fears! You only exist to torment mankind! What suffering we could have been spared if we had strangled that first idiot who uttered your name! Show yourself! Go on, punish me for insulting you! I despise your glory! I scorn your bounty! You claim to work miracles, so let's see one now! If you exist, God, appear to us!
Holdkór (2005) 88%
– What exactly did you not like about last night? Was it that we were acting as free, unprejudiced individuals? Rejecting false morality and slavish convention in favour of pleasure? Using our imagination, rebelling? Is that what you object to?
– It's against nature. It's against God and religion.
– Wait… one thing at a time. What does nature give us? Is she not greedy, destructive, cruel, fickle and utterly callous? Wouldn't you say that what she does best is murder and maim? Don't you see that evil is her natural element? That she uses her creative powers only to fill the world with blood, tears and sorrow?
– She is our mother.
– What kind of mother expends all her energy causing disasters? Mercilessly and systematically murdering her own children? Just look at that 'mother' of yours and you'll see she only creates in order to destroy. All she does is murder! So why should we, her children, behave any better? I would kill a mother like that! And as for God… Nature at least exists independent of our will and desires. But God is merely a figment of human fears and hopes. People have always been unhappy. They've always been afraid. They look for the cause of their suffering and hope it will end. So they dream up a mythical God hoping he will grant their wishes. God is no more than a fantasy born of our fear and weakness.
– But religion teaches us…
– What does Christian dogma tell us about this mighty God of yours? What does your religion have to say about him? All I see is a fickle and barbaric being, who creates the world one day, only to regret it the next, a feeble creature incapable of making people do what he wants!
– But if God made us perfect, why strive to be worthy of salvation?
– What banality! Why should people be worthy of their God? Making us incapable of evil, that would be an act worthy of God! But give a man freedom of choice and you give him temptation. God in his infinite wisdom must have known where that would lead. He leads his own creatures astray simply to amuse himself. What a terrible God! What a monstrous God! A mischievous God who deserves only our hatred and vengeance!
– But don't you fear God's wrath? His retribution? God will never forgive such terrible blasphemy. And aren't you a monster, forcing defenceless, innocent girls to…
– Defenceless and innocent! What a joke!