Angel, aki nemrég szabadult az elmegyógyintézetből, egy kisvárosba érkezik, hogy megszabadítsa gazdák földjét a talajban élő apró lárváktól. A helyi bortermelő ipar szerint ezek a kártevők felelősek azért, hogy terméküknek „földes” ízt adnak, ami megosztja a helyi közvéleményt. A városban… [tovább]
Várólistára tette 2
Népszerű idézetek
– My wife and I always lived together, and now…
– You're separated by an enormous distance.
– Enormous! It is enormous, isn't it?
– Of course. Your wife is 20,000 billion years from here. That's how old the universe is. And as she has ceased to exist…she's had to go back all that time. It's an enormous loss. We live at our own eye level…mid-way between the stars and the atoms. We can only move with our thoughts. Tomas, imagine a woodlouse. Do you see it?
– Yes.
– Good. If your mind can reach the smallest thing it can reach the biggest. Then you can see… the edge of the universe. You must do that with your wife. Ask her to come close.
– Don't you feel fine?
– Yes.
– Isn't dying really nothing?
– The truth is, I'm not worried. I've got no worries.
– Do you see those clouds?
– Sure.
– That's the foam of the universe. The temperate shore of the vast ocean which surrounds us.