Egy keresztapa esetében a gyengeség, a pánikbetegség rosszabb a halálnál. Pedig New York soron következő donjából hirtelen elszállt a merészség. Éjszaka izzadtságban fürdik, nappal remeg, reszket, és a sírás kerülgeti. Ám a szerencse elé vet egy halk szavú, szemüveges pszichológust. A… [tovább]
Csak egy kis pánik (Csak egy kis pánik 1.) (1999) 157★
Képek 1
Kedvencelte 27
Várólistára tette 66
Kiemelt értékelések
Sokkal viccesebb volt, mint amire számította, nagyon jó beszólások vannak benne. Jópofa az egész történet és nem is túl kiszámítható.
Nem tudom kit szeretek jobban ebben a filmben. Robert De Nirot vagy Billy Crystalt. Hatalmas poénok tárháza ez a film. :D
Népszerű idézetek
[Ben rushes up to Paul's room after Jelly throws a hit man off the balcony onto the wedding party]
Paul Vitti: Hey, people get depressed, they jump. But that ain't my fault.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, so you're telling me it was suicide?
Paul Vitti: I don't know, he probably left a note. Jelly, did they find that note?
Jelly: [taking out a pen] Uh no, but they will in a minute.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, and let me guess what it says? „Life is bullshit, I can't fucking take it no more! Signed, the Dead Guy.”
Jelly: Hey, that's good, Doc.
Dr. Ben Sobel: You don't hear the word „no” a lot, do you?
Paul Vitti: Well, I hear it all the time, only it's more like „no, please, no!”
Paul Vitti: You know me?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Yes.
Paul Vitti: No you don't.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Okay.
Paul Vitti: You see my picture in the paper?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Yes.
Paul Vitti: No you didn't.
Dr. Ben Sobel: I don't even get the paper.
Dr. Ben Sobel: But the black milk dream is also about your father.
Paul Vitti: Nah, I don't buy that. In the dream, I'm bringing the baby the black milk.
Dr. Ben Sobel: But let's just say that you are the baby. Freud believed you're everyone in your dreams.
Paul Vitti: Ah fuck Freud. After what you just told me, you know, I'm afraid to call my own mother on the phone!
Michael Sobel: Hey dad. „I go fag, you die!”
Dr. Ben Sobel: That's it! I am sealing the vent in your room. You cannot listen to my sessions.
Michael Sobel: It's so cool. Was that really Paul Vitti?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, I didn't ask to see his mafia decoder ring, but yes, that was Paul Vitti. You can't tell anyone about this.
Michael Sobel: Should I take it off the internet?
Dr. Ben Sobel: Michael!
Michael Sobel: Just kidding.
Dominic: Times are changing. You've got to change with the times.
Paul Vitti: What, am I supposed to get a fuckin' website?
[Ben Sobel is in a bathroom stall of Paul Vitti's favorite restaurant trying to remove an FBI wire from his chest with Jelly standing outside. He hears Ben grunting and swearing]
Jelly: You should get more roughage in your diet, Doc. A bran muffin in the morning would help that…
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