Még egy kis pánik (Csak egy kis pánik 2.) (2002) 105

Analyze That
96' · amerikai, ausztrál · vígjáték, krimi 16 !

Paul Vitti, a rettegett maffiavezér egy nap igencsak meglepi őreit a börtönben: bárgyú mosollyal fel-alá mászkál, és időről-időre nótára gyújt. Ha Vitti musicalszámokat kezd el dalolni a cellájában, vajon ki máshoz fordulhatnak az illetékesek, mint a pszichiáteréhez? Sobel doktor hiába… [tovább]


Képek 7


Robert De NiroPaul Vitti
Lisa KudrowLaura Sobel
Cathy MoriartyPatti
Billy CrystalDr. Ben Sobel
Joe ViterelliJelly
DonnaMarie ReccoSheila
James BiberiMiller ügynök
Callie ThorneCerrone ügynök
Anthony LaPagliaAnthony Bella (Nicky Caesar)
Pat CooperSalvatore Masiello

További szereplők

Kedvencelte 18

Várólistára tette 35

Kiemelt értékelések


Birom ezeket a maffiózós filmeket! És Robert De Niro nagyon jó színész…


Méltó folytatás. Ugyanolyan vicces, poénokkal teli.


Az első rész 10/8 ez csak 7es, egy fokkal gyengebb, de hatarozottan nem rossz.

Népszerű idézetek

Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you were in prison?
Jelly: It would appear not.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, well, how'd you get out?
Jelly: I had a new trial. It turns out that the evidence in the first trial was, uh, you know, tainted.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, I see.
Jelly: Anyway, two of the witnesses decided not to testify, uh, and the third guy, well, he commited suicide.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh? How?
Jelly: He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge… very unfortunate.

Paul Vitti: Now pull him up.
[Jelly instead drops the Gunman, and the Gunman plunges three stories down and lands heavily in a dumpster full of garbage]
Paul Vitti: What's the… What's the matter with you?
Jelly: You said drop him.
Paul Vitti: I said pull him back up.
Jelly: Hey, that ain't what I heard.
Paul Vitti: Then you heard what you wanted to hear.
Jelly: [Grins] I guess you got me there.

Dr. Ben Sobel: [Ben Sobel asks Paul to describe a picture of a father walking in saying good night to his wife and son lying in bed] OK, Paul. I want you to take a look at this picture and tell me what is happening.
Paul Vitti: This is a picture of a guy who is a nice hard-working fellow and comes home to find his wife is in bed with a midget who she has been fucking while he has been out of town.
Dr. Ben Sobel: So she has been having intercourse?
Paul Vitti: Yep. With a midget!

Paul Vitti: [at Ben's father's wake] Hey, who do I have to fuck to get some bacon around here?
[a woman gasps]
Paul Vitti: Not you I hope!

Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you might appreciate a nice home-cooked meal after being in prison for so long.
Paul Vitti: Yeah, that's what I've been jerking off to for the last 850 nights in a row, a fuckin' home-cooked meal. „Oh, tuna casserole!”

Dr. Ben Sobel: I was at a funeral.
Paul Vitti: What's that got to do with someone trying to kill me in jail? You're my Doctor!
Dr. Ben Sobel: My father died.
Paul Vitti: So. With you it is always me, me, me, me, me, me. He's dead. So get over it.

[while working as an auto dealer]
Paul Vitti: Look at the size of this trunk. You can put three bodies in there.

Dr. Ben Sobel: [imagining his speech at his father's funeral] It's not easy for me to speak about my father, cause in a sense, I'm talking about two people. One is the public Issac Sobel, the eminent psychotherapist and popular author, known to millions of readers around the world. The second is the private man, my father. Dad. And for those who knew him well, and for those who knew our family well. Well, I don't have to tell you: He was a psychotic mind fucking prick! An arrogant ego inflated son of a bitch! I wish you were alive so I could kill you.
Dr. Ben Sobel: Rot in hell!

Paul Vitti: [as they drive away from SingSing, Paul is acting psycotic, as soon as SingSing's out of view Paul acts normal] You fuckin' piece of shit! I call to say someone's trying to kill me and you fuckin' hang up on me?
Dr. Ben Sobel: I knew it, I knew it! You lied!
Paul Vitti: What was with you stickin' me with that fuckin' needle?
Dr. Ben Sobel: You lied! You used me to get you out of prison!
Paul Vitti: Took you long enough! I've been singing „West Side Story” songs for three fuckin' days, I'm half a fag already!

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