Egy tanár egy elitiskolában vállal munkát, hogy tudatos étkezési órákat tartson. Azt tanítja, hogy kevesebbet enni egészséges. Munkája során erős köteléket alakít ki öt diákkal és saját klubot is alakítanak – ám ez a kapcsolat végül veszélyes fordulatot vesz. A többi tanár lassan veszi észre,… [tovább]
Club Zero (2023) 23★
Képek 32
Coop99 Filmproduktion
Coproduction Office
Arte France Cinéma
BBC Film
Várólistára tette 62
Kiemelt értékelések
Club Zero (2023) 64%
Engem fölöttéb felzaklatott ez a film.
Főleg a gondolat, hogy (amint azt már a A hullám (2008) -ban is láthattuk), mekkora hatalom van egy -az ifjakat jól manipuálni tudó- pedagógus kezében!
Népszerű idézetek
– We brought you some lunch.
– I will not eat.
– But why?
– The way we produce and consume food today is deeply harmful for us as a species. Food production destroys our environment, and the vast number of additives destroys our bodies. The reason for our nutritional behavior today is a commercial one. More and more people have to eat more and more food, so the food industry makes more and more money, and this makes people not only sick but also dependent on the conditions of their social status. Those who can live without food are free from all social and commercial pressure, thus, we are threatening the capitalist system. This will be politically explosive.
– Yes, but, honey, what if it only works briefly, but then you suffer from malnutrition? And you can even die.
– Maybe you need to consider that what you think is true might not be true after all.
– Well, it is true that you need to eat.
– No. It's not true, Dad. By my mere willpower, I can alter this truth. By the power of my mind, I can alter reality. For instance, if I wanted you to get cancer, Mum, you'd get cancer.
– Okay, don't say that. That's not nice.
– Or if I wanted it to rain this afternoon, it will rain.