Astenicheskiy sindrom (1990) 2

The Asthenic Syndrome · Астенический синдром
153' · szovjet · dráma

A régi időkben hypochrondriának vagy fekete melankóliának nevezték. Mostanában, úgy tűnik, asztenikus szindrómának nevezik. Bármi is legyen, Nikolai, egy tanár elkapta, és nem túl szórakoztató.

Képek 1

Astenicheskiy sindrom (1990)

Odessa Film Studios

Várólistára tette 4

Népszerű idézetek


– An individual should be like a sun, keeping warm those around.


– We won't educate man with fear, cutting his hands, whipping him. Human beings have a soul! We will educate the soul.
– But sometime you have to cut some hands.
– You have to educate the soul!
– And sometime cut some hands.
– The soul will be educated.
– Sometime the hands will be cut.
– We need to educate the soul.
– And cut some hands.


– Can I have some caviar?
– If you want to.

– Open the third can.
– Kolja, my love, you finished all my mother's supply!
– There's a lot of vitamins in caviar, doctor says I need them…What's more important to you, caviar or my health?
– You still have not finished the second can.
– Open it, please.
– Mom, we are hungry as wolves!
– Kolja, did you eat all caviar?
– Sorry, we have reduced your supply. She said I can eat.
– I thought you would eat just a little!
– Anyway its „best before” was two months ago.
– I just want to be sure you won't have to beg when I'm dead. Let me die in peace!
– Don't say so.
– Don't worry, When you're dead, you won't care if we beg. We will die too, it's not your privilege.


– Mom, who's Shakespeare?
– What?
– Who's Shakespeare?
– What does it matter? We're not at school.


– What's easier to catch, a dog or a cat?
– It's easier to catch a venereal disease.


– Sadness has scattered everywhere,
a bottle full of sadness has spilled.
Sadness soaked everything, clouds,
clothes, rain, sounds, dust, flowers,
bed sheets, thoughts, hairs, smiles,
drinks, bread, sleep, dreams…
Night and day alternate lazily.
Soon these memories will disappear
We'd better not to evoke them again,
they are like microbes, they are asleep.

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