Andy Huggins: Early Bird Special (2023) 1

51' · amerikai · stand-up

A 72 éves Andy Huggins komikus első élő stand-up különkiadása a texasi Houstonban.


Képek 14


Andy Hugginsönmaga

Népszerű idézetek


Andy: I finally got my first pair of ripped blue jeans…Goddamn dog!


Andy: I did LSD…was able to see 40 years into my future…I was taking a nap…Nailed it.


Andy: In the ’80s, I had the obligatory cocaine habit. Ugly drug. Ugly drug. But it did give me the necessary focus and energy I needed to stay up all night grinding my teeth.


Andy: I quit doing drugs in 1985, I wanted to focus on my drinking.


Andy: It's tough getting older.

Went into an antique store, they wouldn't let me leave. I asked Siri a question about my life expectancy, and she changed the subject…There's some advantages
to being my age. Frequently, people will stand and offer me their seat, which is great on the bus, a little creepy in the men's room,


Andy: I went to the doctor 'cause I thought I had arthritis. I don't. I have early onset rigor mortis.

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