’68-69-es francia szerelmi dráma sok álmodozással, ópiummal, barikádokkal és reményekkel. És némi kétkedéssel.
Szabályos szeretők (2005) 5★
Képek 41
Kedvencelte 1
Várólistára tette 12
Népszerű idézetek
– Nothing resembles a priest more than a militant.
– You're talking rubbish.
– They got it all. They've got the truth. It's not the Bible but the Red Book. Where's the difference with a priest? It's also the universal truth.
– Christian isn't Mao.
– Maybe not. But it's the same. Just like them, he thinks the masses will teach him to make the revolution, to live. As if the masses didn't do anything. But who are, what are the masses? Those who obey, those who follow. But the masses haven't followed. Even though the right conditions were achieved, it didn't work out. Why?
– Do you remember my brother Fabrice? A friend of his organized a jazz concert in Morocco. As the Moroccans didn't have any money to pay the musicians, they gave them four tons of hashish.
– What? Four tons of hashish? How do you transport it?
– You don't.
– And so?
– You stay there, smoke it all and never come back.