Siglo ng pagluluwal (2011) 1

Century of Birthing
360' · Fülöp-szigeteki · dráma, művészfilm

A film egy filmrendezőről szól, aki küzd a legújabb filmjének befejezésével, miközben szembenéz a munkatársak, a fesztiválszervezők, a barátnők és a sajtó nyomásával.

tagalog · angol

Képek 19


Angel AquinoAngela nővér
Angeli BayaniAna
Perry DizonHomer
Hazel OrencioŐrült nő / szűz
Bart GuingonaDindo
Betty Uy-Regala
Roeder Camanag
Joel TorreAmang Tiburcio
Soliman Cruz

További szereplők

Várólistára tette 1

Népszerű idézetek


– I can actually can destroy this body now.
– But what if you die, Sister?
– Then call it suicide. Self-murder. I've told you before, Father. The doctrines of this church must change. We must keep up with the times. We have to be relevant with the times. I've come to the conclusion that the true meaning of God is change. If I were still to believe in God, then He is change. If He isn't change, then He does not exist at all. If He isn't change, then He is just a concept. If He isn't change, then he must be the Devil.


– Maybe life is supposed to be like dreaming. You wonder but there's no need for an explanation.
– You're not just a supervisor, you're also a poet.

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