Shirley Valentine (1989) 8

1 díj · 8 jelölés

Nincs öreg nő, csak elhanyagolt feleség. És egyik férj se csodálkozzon, ha ezek után a neje keres magának egy fekete görög csődört pókhálótlanítás céljára. Minden férfinek kötelező mozi, és minden 40 feletti nőnek is!


Képek 10


Pauline CollinsShirley Valentine
Tom ContiCostas
Julia McKenzieGillian
Alison SteadmanJane
Joanna LumleyMarjorie
Bernard HillJoe
George CostiganDougie
Joanne ZorianCarol

Kedvencelte 4

Várólistára tette 11

Népszerű idézetek


– What was man's most important invention?
– Miss, it was the wheel. Miss, it was the wheel! Man's most important invention was…
– Somebody must have told you!
– Well, how the bleeding hell else could I learn it?


– Smoking can damage your health.
– And I can damage your health!


– Now, I want to know everything that's happened to you. I want the whole story, from A to Z.
– Got a postage stamp? I'll write it down for you.


– He says he still loves me, you know? But, he doesn't…It's just something he says.
It's funny, isn't it? „I love you”. It's like it makes everything alright. Like,… like you can be beaten, and battered, and half insane, and if you complain, he'll say, „What's wrong? You know I love you”. „I love you”. They should bottle it, and sell it…It cures everything.


– She's only been back 5 minutes, and…she's got me strutting 'round like R2 bleedin' D2!


– You think I'm off to Greece on a grab-a-granny fortnight! That's right, Millandra, I'm going to Greece for the sex! Sex for breakfast, sex for dinner, sex for tea, and sex for supper!
– Sounds like a marvellous diet, love!
– It is! Have you never heard of it? It's called the „F” plan!


– The English? Don't talk to me about the English, because while the Greeks were building roads, and cities, and temples, what were the English doing? I'll tell you what the English were doing, they were running around in loincloths, ploughing up the earth with the arse bone of a giraffe!


– You're afraid.
– No, no, of course not.
– You're afraid. You're afraid that, I want make fuck with you.
– What?
– Hahaha…Of course, I want make fuck with you…You are beautiful woman…A man would be crazy not to want make fuck with you, but… I don't ask you to fuck. I ask to come on brother's boat. Different thing. Boat is boat,…fuck is fuck.


– He kissed me stretch marks! You kissed my stretch marks!
– Oh,… my,…don't…don't be too stupid to try to hide these lines. They… they are lovely, because they are part of you, and you are lovely, so, don't umm,…don't hide. Be proud, eh. Show them. These… these marks show that er,…That you're alive…That you survive. Don't try to hide these lines. They are the marks of life.
– Aren't men full of shit?! I think I've fallen in love.

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