Egy kiábrándult filmrendező találkozik egy fiatal lánnyal, akinek rituáléja, hogy minden nap elismétli: „Holnap van a születésnapom”. A férfi a videokameráján keresztül próbál kommunikálni vele.(IMDb)
Shiki-Jitsu (2000) 3★
Képek 51
Iwai Shunji | Rendező |
Fujitani Ayako | Ő |
Murakami Jun | Kerékpáros |
Ootake Shinobu | Anya |
Matsuo Suzuki | Férfi(hang) |
Hayashibara Megumi | Nő(hang) |
Kedvencelte 2
Várólistára tette 5
Kiemelt értékelések
Népszerű idézetek
– The sky is pretty. The stars are pretty. The moon is pretty. The light is pretty. If I don't exist, everything's pretty. Maybe it's better if I didn't exist.
– Each day, a countdown towards death. I dare not risk negligence. All the more reason to film her, I think. Images, especially animation, simply embody our personal and collective fantasies, manipulating selected information, and fictional constructs. Even live-action film, recording actuality, does not correspond to reality. Conversely, reality, co-opted by fiction, loses its value. „The inversion of reality and fiction.” None of this matters to me anymore. My consciousness, my reality, my subject, all converge in her. Certainly, she longs to escape into fantasy. Certainly, I long to escape from fantasy. I wanted to keep a visual record of these contradictory phenomena. But, my behavior is really no more than an excuse for my inability to communicate except through images.
– Do you like sex?
– Well, all men like sex.
– And you, Director?
– Well, the Director neither likes nor dislikes…I don't dislike it…
– So you do like it. I don't like it. 'Cause if you do, you're no more than male and female. Just like everybody else. So I hate it! I really hate it!
– Did you ever have fun?
– A hesitant reply isn't a good sign, is it?
– OK then…A favorite place?
– Favorite place…This sort of place isn't bad…I loved the desert.
– The desert?
– Desert. A simple place with only sand and sky. Really beautiful. But it was beautiful because it was unpopulated. No humans there to warp it.
– A beautiful world without people. That sounds lovely.
– Like railroad tracks?
– And you?
– I like them.
– Why?
– Because these two rails will never come together. And yet, the two are one. That's why!
– These days will come to an end. Eventually, I'll part with her. Even my life will end one day. All the more reason to treasure these slight, fleeting emotions. But the excess of boredom and the excess of intimacy were simply exhausting me.
– Her heart is overcome by a world awash in cruelty, harshness, hatred and loneliness. But that is the way of the world. Each of us fears its absurdity, and curses it. And yet, the world is immeasurably vast, and gentleness, mercy and empathy linger in our hearts. I desperately wanted her to know this reality as well.
– I had always been entranced with the idea of being madly loved, and loving madly. And yet this was a stupendous burden, exhausting. Could I really bear it?