Sarah Silverman: Jesus Is Magic (2005) 1

A film Silverman korábbi, azonos című stand-up show-jából vett klipekből áll, flashbackekkel és komikus jelenetekkel megspékelve. Silverman számos témát érint, többek között a vallást, az AIDS-et, a holokausztot, a faji hovatartozást, a szexizmust, a politikai pártokat, a fogyatékkal élőket, a… [tovább]


Képek 7


Sarah SilvermanÖnmaga
Steve Agee
Brian Posehn
Jim Bodma
Jon Cellini
Bob Odenkirk
David Derby
Suzannah Fagan
Robin Goldwasser
Dee Kaye

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– It sounds amazing. What is it? What's it about? Are you like the star of it? What is it?
– It's about a…the Holocaust. Yeah. And it's kind of a…But it's funny. And it's also musical.


– Like I’m finally comfortable enough to pee in front of my boyfriend, which is so great, you know. Cause now I’m gonna try it in the bathroom.


– Maybe we should be giving these kids a reason to win. We should be giving them motivation…you know, to win. I tell my niece every time she loses a tag an angel get AIDS.


– Was a tough year for me, I actually… it was the same year I suit my manager for sexual harassment. which, I don’t know if you know anything about show business, but something that …boy, you know for a struggling actress to suit her manager out here in Hollywood It’s something that … It takes a lot of guts to do. You know. Especially because he didn’t do anything.


– You know like this woman came up to me last night a she was Mexican and… …she was so irate, you know she was so angry. And he came up to me ad she said ‘You know I’m Mexican and I don’t stink’ And it’s just broke my heart. Like I had to explain to her like you can’t smell yourself.

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