Őszi sanzon (2023) 4

115' · francia · dráma, romantikus, vígjáték 12

A sikeres párizsi színész, Mathieu hamarosan betölti az ötvenet. Alice, a negyvenes zongoratanárnő egy kis nyugat-franciaországi tengerparti üdülőhelyen él. Ők ketten több mint egy évtizede szerelmesek voltak egymásba, majd szétváltak útjaik. Sok idő telt el azóta, és a két összetört szív lassan… [tovább]

francia · magyar


Guillaume CanetMathieu
Alba RohrwacherAlice
Sharif AndouraXavier
Emmy Boissard PaumelleEmmy
Lucette BeudinLucette
Gilberte BellusGilberte
Marie DruckerMathieu felesége (hang)
Stéphane Brizészínházigazgató (hang)

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Mathieu: [listens to music]
Alice: All of that exists only on my phone. And in my head too. On little pieces of paper. But hidden away inside me. End of story.
Mathieu: Why do you say that?
Alice: I don't know. But it's for no one. And I'm to blame if it's for no one. I've dug myself into a hole. Even here… it's not coming to live here that I regret. It's not having left. That's what I regret. Only, I had my daughter and… I did a good job. But I… I can't… [crying] I can't get out what's inside of me. You understand? I had a lot of… ideals. And then it all remained hidden inside of me. Hidden deep inside of me. But it's all my own fault. It's only right you didn't stay with someone like me.
Mathieu: You can't say that. It's not true.
Alice: Yes it is. I know it. There are people like you and people like me. And that's how I am.

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